The picture, taken in 1962, shows two Venom pilots; the one to the right is wearing a police officer sidecap.
Those caps, purchased privately, were “nonstandard” military equipment and obtainable in numerous design (e.g. the company KREMA had at least eight different models available).
With the introduction of the field-grey uniforms in 1914, police sidecaps appeared for the first time. During the Second World War, they were particularly popular among mountain infantry officers, pilots and tank crews. Those caps, despite the introduction of the “Ordonnanz 1949” equipment, were worn until the ’70.
Besides the well-known "Schnitz" in German, “Bustina” in Italian, the cap was known as "Bananenmütze" (banana cap), due to its curved shape.

Police sidecap - early version around 1940

Police sidecap - early version around 1940

Police sidecap - early version around 1940

Archive Pellanda

Police sidecap - around 1960

Police sidecap - around 1960

Police sidecap - around 1960

This DH-112R pilot is walking, while smoking his pipe, to his aircraft for a low level recce sortie wearing a "Schnitz", a leather Pilotenjacke over a Piloten/ Fliergerkombi 50, CSU-3/ 13 Anti-G Garment and a pair of Pilotenschuhe 63.
He's carrying his H-5 helmet with MS22001 oxygen mask, lot of maps and Vinten camera film packs.
Picture taken from FlSt 10 publication "Frontreporter der Armee"