MC-3A Suit .
High altitude coveralls were close-fitting garments designed for emergency and long-term use in bomber, fighter and reconnaissance aircrafts as e.g. B-36/ B-57/ B-58, F-104 and U-2, in order to provide emergency ("get down") protection to almost unlimited altitudes.
Operational in 1956, the David C. Clark Company of Worcester, Massachusetts, developed the Model MC-3 partial pressure suit as a replacement for the earlier MC-1, itself designed as a replacement for the S-2 suit.
Made of a combination nylon and cotton fabric and providing a great improvement over previous suits, the MC-3 used a combination of the then-common "capstan" system, and an innovative full-torso bladder around the vital organs, extending from the shoulders to the middle of the thigh.
In the event of depressurization, pressure is applied to the body through two capstans – fabric covered rubber tubes extending along the side of the arms, torso and legs. These tubes are connected to the suit by crossing tapes. When the tubes are inflated, they act on the tapes as pneumatic levers, drawing the fabric tight, thus protecting the pilot's body against the swelling caused by the low air pressure at high altitude. This would give the pilot time to descent to a safer, lower altitude.
The suit came in 12 sizes, with fine adjustments made possible by laces throughout the suit.
The MC-4 began life as an MC-3 with an integral G-suit. However, the designers took the opportunity to modify the suit closures to increase comfort and mobility, primarily by deleting the shoulder zipper in favor of more lacing. These improvements were also implemented to the MC-3, then designed as MC-3/A.
The MC-3A, was identical to the MC-4 without the G-suit, including the vertical shoulder lacing and adjustable break lines. It contains a full torso bladder extending from the shoulder to mid-thigh, surrounding the chest, abdomen and hips, and passing through the crotch.
Therefore, although used on TAC and ADC fighters, the MC-3A was more suitable for bomber and HI-ALT aircraft as the U-2; the MC-4 optimized for fighter type aircraft.
If required, the suit was worn with a CMU-1/P cooling "waistcoat" and under a protective garment. The latter could be colourful, in order to facilitate the finding of a downed pilot, or green for overflights over hostile territory.
The MC-3/3A and MC-4 suits used a pressure regulator built into a seat kit used as a seat cushion in the airplane. This replaced both previous on-aircraft and suit regulators. Under normal operations, the regulator pressurized the suit and helmet using the aircraft oxygen supply.
MC-3A Suit,
rear view.

MC-4 Suit,
MA-2 helmet,
MG-1 gloves, Combat boots with "spurs" fitted.

In case of ejection, the source switched to a 6-minute reserve bottle(s) built into the seat kit itself, with the switchover taking 5–9 seconds. Operation was completely automatic, providing appropriate breathing and counter pressure up to 70,000 feet.
The only controls were an on-off switch and a pressure gauge, along with the press-to-test button that inflated the suit to 6 psi and the helmet to 60 mm Hg for a few seconds.
The MC-3A suit was also used during a number of high altitude experiment as the balloon ascent "Project Manhigh", with the aim to investigate the effects of simulated space travel on humans.
Three USAF pilots—Capt. Joseph W. Kittinger, Jr., Lt. Clifton M. McClure, and Maj. David G. Simmons—were selected for the Manhigh flights. Into their balloon gondola, they wore slightly modified MC-3A (S836) in case of sudden pressure loss.
Kittinger flew the first flight, Manhigh I, on June 2, 1957, and reached 96,784 feet. Simons reached 101,516 feet on August 19–20, 1957, on Manhigh II. The last flight, Manhigh III, was flown by McClure on October 8, 1958, and reached 98,097 feet.
What did Swiss AF have to do with USAF high altitude equipment? - have a look HERE

The pneumatic connections of capstan and torso bladder.The bladder extends from the shoulder to mid-thigh, surrounding the chest, abdomen and hips, and pass through the crotch.

Detail of a capstan tube installation. These tubes are connected to the suit by crossing tapes. When the tubes are inflated, they act on the tapes as pneumatic levers, drawing the fabric tight.

Detail of the "TALON" zip slider.

The pneumatic connections of capstan and torso bladder.The bladder extends from the shoulder to mid-thigh, surrounding the chest, abdomen and hips, and pass through the crotch.

Suit's pneumatic hoses and connectors.

Anti-g hose installation.

The nickname of the suits'owner, his full last name is written on the front helmet's anti elongation strap.

Suit's pneumatic hoses and connectors.

Manufactured by the International Latex Corporation (ILC) Dover, featured a number of improvements over its predecessor, the K-1:
Fiberglass shell painted white in order to increase heat reflection;
High pressure, small diameter, reinforced oxygen hose;
A visor which incorporates a 24-volt heating circuit, fitted with in flight drinking/ feeding port;
Improved defogging system;
A longer neckpiece that covers the upper chest and shoulder areas;
Snap fasteners to prevent the neckpiece from pulling out of the suit;
A deeper neck seal;
A three-way stretch cloth insert in the neckpiece to increase head mobility;
An in-turned bladder;
Improved microphone.
More on MA-2 HERE
More on K-1 HERE
Both suit manufacturers provided also the pressurized gloves but with different configurations:
Berger Brother gloves were all leather; David Clark Company used leather palms and nylon backs with lacing adjustments.
The gloves had the pressure lead on the thumb side, using positive-lock bayonet connections.
Both designed to provide counter pressure to the hands, consisted of:
An outer leather/ fabric shell,
An inner bladder,
A cuff, and
A pressurizing tube.
The bladder covers the top of the wearer's hand from the wrist to the fingertips, connected by means of a positive locking needle connector to the altitude suit.
Pressure equal to breathing pressure inflates the bladder, drawing the relatively non-stretch leather/ fabric tightly against the palm.
Available in 12 sizes, The MG-1 was not interchangeable with the earlier MCG-1 glove due to relocated and modified connections.

The positive locking needle that connects the pressurized glove to the pneumatic system of the suit.

According the USAF 1958 "Guide to aircrew personal and aircraft installed equipment", at the time specific boots for wear with the MC-3/4 were under development. Due to this, until their availability, regular GI boots or jump boots could be worn.
Although pictures from the period show different types of footwear being worn, including work boots, the below extract of the manual identifies the applicable model.
"Boot, Combat, Service, Mildew Resistant"
"This combat boot is used by aircrewmen as a flight boot from the intermediate through high temperature ranges, 40° F and above. The boot integrates with all standard flying clothing and may be used with the partial pressure suits. The item is a 10-inch high black leather boot including:
a. A semi-hard capped toe;
b. A raised diamond tread rubber sole;
d. A rubber whole heel with bevelled breast corners, and is full laced from the blucher opening to the top.
The combat boot is not interchangeable with any other standard boot, but it is similar in design and appearance to the currently issued Air Police boot.
The publication of the new TA-1-21 will make the combat boot available to all flying personnel as an issue item.
A long range program is in effect to improve the leather in the boot, to improve the design, and to develop a new last".

Black leather version of the M1948 Russet Combat Boot, introduced in mid-1950s.

Black leather version of the M1948 Russet Combat Boot, introduced in mid-1950s.
Starfighter, U-2 and other aircraft pilots wore boot "spurs".
These spurs, strapped to their boots, - see above - prevented leg injuries during downwards (as early '104 C-1 bang seats) and upwards (later C-2 ones) ejections.
The spurs were connected to cables that would automatically pull and hold their feet against the ejection seat during an ejection.

The GLYCINE AIRMAN was an automatic-movement watch produced from 1953 onward by Swiss company GLYCINE in Biel. Designed to be used by flying personnel, it incorporated a 24HRS dial over which a rotating 24HRS bezel allowed to compare on-site time with GMT Time or any other Time Zone.
The GLYCINE AIRMAN SPECIAL was specifically made for the U.S market, also distributed in Military Exchange Stores (PXs) on U.S. military bases thanks to an agreement with the US AIR FORCE.
In mid-1960s the AIRMAN was also worn by astronauts as a back-up watch together with the official OMEGA SPEEDMASTER in several NASA space missions during the Gemini and Apollo era and was widely used by U.S. AIR FORCE crews.

The BULOVA Company was a Swiss-American watchmaker founded in 1875 New York City.
During the late 1950s, the watches industry started to explore new different timekeeping technologies, especially in the electronics domain.
Thanks to Swiss engineer Max Hetzel, Bulova developed the revolutionary ACCUTRON, which system was based on a diapason-created oscillation powered by a small dry-cell battery, thus creating a very reliable and precise movement.
During the early military high-altitude and space programs, many flight instruments were driven by ACCUTRON system.
Worn during several NASA space flights, the ACCUTRON ASTRONAUT wristwatch was the backup for the well-known official OMEGA SPEEDMASTER wristwatch.