As used during 1965/ 66 Hughes TARAN radar trial and the air to air GAR-11A / HM-55S Falcon missile live shooting at the White Sands Missile Range,Holloman AFB, NM.

As used during 1965/ 66 Hughes TARAN radar trial and the air to air GAR-11A / HM-55S Falcon missile live shooting at the White Sands Missile Range,Holloman AFB, NM.

As used during 1965/ 66 Hughes TARAN radar trial and the air to air GAR-11A / HM-55S Falcon missile live shooting at the White Sands Missile Range,Holloman AFB, NM.

As used during 1965/ 66 Hughes TARAN radar trial and the air to air GAR-11A / HM-55S Falcon missile live shooting at the White Sands Missile Range,Holloman AFB, NM.

As used during 1965/ 66 Hughes TARAN radar trial and the air to air GAR-11A / HM-55S Falcon missile live shooting at the White Sands Missile Range,Holloman AFB, NM.
In order to test the integration of the system composed by the Hughes TARAN radar and the air to air GAR-11A / HM-55S Falcon missile, live shooting by a Swiss AF Mirage III S (J-2302) took place in 1965/ 66 in the USA at the White Sands Missile Range,
Holloman AFB , New Mexico.
The aircraft was disassembled, loaded into a USAF C-130 Hercules and shipped to the USA.
After the aircraft had been reassembled, post-assembly technical flights were carried out by a test pilot of the Mirage manufacturer (Générale Aéronautique Marcel Dassault - GAMD) wearing a Gueneau 312 flight helmet like the one shown on this page.
The live firing flights were carried out by Swiss GRD (Gruppe für Rüstungsdienste - Armament Services Group) and Hughes pilots.
The integration test series included 295 flights and 42 live firings.
J-2302 returned to Switzerland in August 1966.